Jeremy Nacht is an accomplished artist, designer, photographer and film producer.


He has many years of experience in the Graphic and Communication Arts covering such fields as Identity and Brand Packaging, Sign-making, Industrial Design, Advertising campaigns, Political campaigns, Event Photography, Corporate Headshots, Photo Restoration, Web Design, Filmmaking, Start-up Support and even some Animation.


Jeremy has won state and national recognition for his photography; holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Skidmore College; has received foundation grants for his work; has been published in numerous media and outlets; has received international exposure for his first film; and, above all, loves to help make ideas and people look good.

Montclair, New Jersey 07042

copyright Jeremy Nacht 2019. All Rights Reserved





Jeremy Nacht is an accomplished artist, designer, photographer and film producer.


He has many years of experience in the Graphic and Communication Arts covering such fields as Identity and Brand Packaging, Sign-making, Industrial Design, Advertising campaigns, Political campaigns, Event Photography, Corporate Headshots, Photo Restoration, Web Design, Filmmaking, Start-up Support and even some Animation.


Jeremy has won state and national recognition for his photography; holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Skidmore College; has received foundation grants for his work; has been published in numerous media and outlets; has received international exposure for his first film; and, above all, loves to help make ideas and people look good.

Montclair, New Jersey 07042

copyright Jeremy Nacht 2019. All Rights Reserved